Ingredients for 1 portion     Preparation Time:  15 minutes + 2 hours (if you marinate the shrimps)    Difficulty:  Easy


  • 100 g (ca. 3.5 oz) of shrimps
  • 1 fresh zucchini
  • 6 yellow cherry tomatoes
  • 10 g (ca. 0.4 oz) of almond flakes
  • juice of half of a lime
  • a few leaves of mint
  • 1 clove of garlic, if desired
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil
  • if shrimps will be marinated: pink pepper, lemon


If the shrimps are very fresh, they can be eaten raw, otherwise we recommend marinating them with EVO oil, lemon and pink pepper for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, and then cooking them in the oven for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, slice a zucchini in very thin slices and marinate them in oil and the juice of half a lime.

Add yellow cherry tomatoes cut in half, shrimps, a few mint leaves and mix it all well.

Finally, garnish the salad with almond flakes and eat up along with a source of carbohydrates, such as croutons or a slice of toasted whole wheat bread.


Nutritional value:

One serving of this recipe contains 15% of the recommended daily calcium intake.

Perhaps not everyone knows that shrimps, and more generally shellfish, contain good quality proteins and are a source of micronutrients, namely vitamins and mineral salts. In particular, they are rich in zinc, which helps to improve metabolism. They are also rich in selenium, important for reducing oxidative stress and for improving the thyroid’s activity, calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for healthy teeth and bones, as well as iron for transporting oxygen.


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