Dried Fruit and Nuts: Discover the Differences Between Calories, Vitamins, and Properties.

  • by: Create Cures Foundation Editorial Staff
  • January 26th, 2024

By Sabrina Commis

December 18th – 11.25am Milan

Translated from Italian by the Create Cures Foundation in collaboration with the Valter Longo Foundation

Dried fruit and nuts are recommended within a correct and healthy diet, but you need to know their properties. The expert willintroduce them.

1 of 5: Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is made by removing water from fresh fruit.Raisins, dried apricots, dried figs, and prunes are common examples of dried fruit. “This form is convenient – explains Romina Cervigni, biologist, and nutritionist -, it is light and has a long shelf life. However, we must be aware of the quantity of natural sugars present in some types of dried fruit, since the concentration can increase when water is removed.”

2 of 5: Vitamins and Minerals

Dried fruit retains many of the vitamins and minerals of its fresh counterpart, but the drying process can result in a loss of heat-sensitive nutrients, such as vitamin C.” Some types of dried fruit may contain preservatives or added sugars, “Pay attention to the labels, it is always advisable to read them carefully”.

3 of 5: Nuts

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios are examples of nuts, considered superfoods. “These little packets of energy are packed with healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts, for example, support heart health, while almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. They are also rich in calcium and have a non-negligible quantity of proteins”.

4 of 5: Nuts: Not Only Calories

The exact number of calories can vary depending on the specific type but is between 150 and 200 calories per 30 grams / 1 oz, which should be considered if we follow a low-calorie diet. The nutritionist explains, “Although nuts are caloric, they are rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, and a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. So, when we consume nuts, we need to consider the nutritional benefits as well. The secret is crucial portions to maintain a healthy calorie balance.”

5 of 5: Dried Fruits and Nuts: The Comparison

To enjoy the benefits of both categories, you can integrate nuts and dried fruits into your daily diet. “A moderate portion, 20 grams /0.7 oz, of walnuts or almonds can be a healthy snack, whilst plain dried fruit can be added to yogurt, cereal, or eaten alone as a sweet and nutritious snack. The key to healthy food choices is variety and moderation.”


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